Top 3 dating mistakes that keep you single


Here are the top mistakes that keep you single and destroy your chances of meeting someone special.

1. Looking for the next best thing.

This person is ok but can I find something better? That is the question of the modern day dating world. This mistake can lead you astray as there will always be someone who appears better than your current dating options. They appear that what but it doesn't mean this is the case... At the end of the day everyone has their flaws so looking for the next best thing is futile. Choose a few good dating options and focus on those and then naturally you will be attracted to one that is the best for you in that moment of your life. Otherwise you are doomed for an endless search and will never be satisfied. 

2. Giving up at first sight of problems arising

There are plenty of new people on the app, right? Endless supply. Or is there? For people living in big cities that might be the case but not so much in the smaller cities or in remote areas, but even the most relentless of daters have been caught unprepared by the lockdown and I am sure they wished the had been nicer to that previous date or that they have tried harder to fix things with the previous person while now they are stuck alone with no dating possibilities... C'est la vie... I hope they will learn the lesson, probably not though. 

3. Keeping options open

While that might be an excellent strategy as soon as the other person figures it out it can be off putting and any quality partner will be turned off and might even leave you. If you find a great person it's best to give them all your attention otherwise you are risking losing them and leaving empty handed. 

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