How to be attractive for women on a dating app or site?


Here are some advice for men using dating apps or websites on how to be attractive for women. Let's not forget attractive women have a lot of choice on a dating app or site and they can really have their pick of the best men. They are looking for quality, not quantity so you really have to put your best foot forward to be chosen by them. So how to present yourself ?

1. Choose your best photos. Three to five best photos is enough, you don't have to be a handsome Hollywood actor but show yourself off at your best. Photos from events are great as they show that you have a life, same as photos from travels, activities, anything that shows you are not one of those Netflix couch potatoes. However a photo on top of the mountain in full gear an gogles will not add real value to your profile as she will not be able to see how you actually look like, so it's better to use one that show you perhaps having an pares ski drink. Same goes for diving, photos under water are not very helpful. Remember that a photo should achieve two things at the same time - show how you look like (women are visual too!!) and show how interesting you are and that you can offer an interesting lifestyle. If you achieve those two goals even with your three photos, you will be already winning over your competitors by miles. 

2. Description in your profile. Even the shortest description is better than none. Keep it short and sweet but try to avoid cliches like 'coffee drinker who loves Sunday papers' that says absolutely nothing about you apart from that you are lazy and boring and expect women to fall at your feet based on your photos , in which case you better look like a model, otherwise it's not going to happen. Write about your passions and hobbies, that will make women think what you can potentially do together. If you like drinking beer and eating burgers but dreaming about a great beauty who will become interested in you based on your photo in a pub, think again.

3. Ask questions and be engaging. Attractive women get a lot of messages, A LOT. So to get their attention you have to stand out , I strongly recommend that you write a couple of sentences in your first message and also a question. If that doesn't result in a response then at least you know she is not interested rather than your 'hi' message got lost in a flood of other 'hi's. Yes, we are at this level now when men think 'hi' is enough. World is coming to an end...

If you have improved on those three points , I guarantee you will attract more high quality women!

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