Best men's fragrances

 Smelling good is one of the keys to attracting women. Here are some tried and tested favourites of mine to smell on a man. They are the classics that you can easily find online and are a safe blind buys to make you smell amazing. Let's not forget to mention that women prefer to smell a fresh and perhaps a bit spicy or leathery scent on a man, wheras men prefer a sweet smell on a lady, at least these are the general statistics.

Here are the best classic best selling men's fragrance for many years that you can't go wrong with.

1. Dior Farrheheit

2. Dior Sauvage

3. Armani Aqua di Gio For Men

4. Chanel Egoiste

5. Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male

6. Armani Code for men

7. Issey Miyake L'eau d'Issey pour Homme

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