Top dating advice for men who use dating apps or websites
1. Photos and presentation.
Please use good photos. This is actually crucial and I don't understand why men don't see this as they themselves are very visual. Women are very visual too and we want to see a well presented man. Take 3-5 best photos that are not weird. And I am deliberately using the word weird as I have seen many in this category - pulling strange faces, weird costumes, weird poses, weird outfits... the list goes on. While this might be funny for your friends it will not get women interested. We don't want to see your Halloween costume when you were dressed as a skeleton with a skull painted face, it's not attractive on a dating profile. Here I said it. Someone had to tell you. Choose a few photos that show how you actually look, this might be from events or doing sports activities. If you don't have any (why not?) ask a friend to take a casual photo of you. You don't have to be the the next Hollywood heartthrob , it is important however how you present yourself. Imagine you are beautifully photographed luxury product as opposed to a quick snap of an old sofa on a second hand goods selling app.
2. Not having any description in your profile.
Shocking news- attractive women get lots of messages and they really don't have time to ask you a question about everything... it takes too much time. We need a bit of information just to pique our interest. It doesn't have to be long but please have something. Preferably a couple of your hobbies or interests, things you like or even things you are looking for in a woman. How else a woman can decide is she wants to invest her time into chatting to you? Please don't write - ask me anything- which high value attractive woman has the time to interview strangers? None.
3. Your first message - never send 'hi'!
'Hi' is a dating app nightmare. This assumes that the woman you are messaging is supposed to make the conversation and effort to do your job which is getting her attention. Send an engaging message that requires her to reply, not a generic and boring question. Ask something about her profile or at least pay her a compliment. Bearing in mind attractive women get tones of compliments so you really have to do better than that. Imagine you are a car with the latest tech inside, show it off, say something witty, use your imagination.
4. Engage her!
You will not believe how many conversation have ended because the man is not asking questions to engage. Always ask a question. A statement message like - "nice weather today" is on engagement level of a brick. On the other hand don't ask her "what are you up to today" as nobody has time to type this to a complete stranger and it doesn't further the getting to know you process. Instead ask her a meaningful question.
5. Be polite
Just because dating apps make you feel like the people on the other end are disposable and you can always swipe the next one, this does not mean you can be rude or impolite. If you feel like this is not someone you are interested in, let them down gently rather then just deleting them, they are a real person behind the screen!
6. Don't pretend you are someone you're not
We all want to put our best foot forward but straight up pretending someone you're not will be very short lived. Also hiding important facts from your life will backfire in the future. If you have children it's best to say it sooner rather than later, if you are not fully divorced or still living with an ex... nobody wants to waste their time and trust me you will waste a lot of it by hiding those information. Don't pretend your job is more important than it actually is, it will be very embarrassing to be discovered. You have no idea how many self employed consultants or entrepreneurs out there are actually unemployed...
7. Make the effort
If you expect to get attractive women to flock to you by using one photo and typing 'hi', you're in for a big shock. Huge. You have to make an investment tog get the rewards. Plain and simple. Presentation, engagement and taking the lead , repeat this as your mantra.
8. Ask her out
You will be surprised how many men are leaving taking the lead to the woman. This is absolutely catastrophic if you want to date high value attractive women. They would never ever ask you out or suggest a date. They have too many options to give a wishy washy guy a second of their time. You have to take the lead and suggest a date, give some options.
9. Have fun
Dating is supposed to be fun, not everyone will like you and you will not like everybody, you will have some funny stories to tell your friends, it's part of life.
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