London dating ideas for a first date in the time of lockdown

 Dating in the difficult times of winter lockdown has proven to be a challenge. While in the summer the parks and nice weather have been an encouragement to get out there and try a walk in the park date, in the winter that is practically impossible and even the most determined daters have given up. However there are still some options to meet people and get to know them before the actual meeting in the real life when places re-open. Here are my general thoughts , ideas and advice. 

First - what NOT to do:

1. If you are a man reading this, the worse thing you can do is to invite a lady for 'home date', this will immediately send alarm bells and will probably get you blocked and deleted. No sane woman or girl will ever agree to this. I am talking from experience here, you would be surprised how many people suggest this. 

2. Bombarding with messages. I know you need attention, lockdown loneliness can be tough but bombarding with constant messages and demanding attention will only get you blocked. Unless you meet your match of course ...

3. Lockdown rage- she has not replied instantly? Please don't send her prompting messages like "hello!!!" , "ok, good luck then!" , "why did you match and not replying???". Again this will get you nowhere and will only scare potential matches. And the most extreme from - sending abuse because the person have not replied instantly. Yes, this happens.

What to DO then you might ask?

1. Building a rapport. After exchanging a few messages I would suggest a 10 min phone call as this will determine if you get on and do you actually have things in common and if there is any flirting going on. Let's not commit to video chats or real life meetings too early. This strategy will actually help in the long run and will cut out a lot of wasted time. Usually 10 mins chat is enough to decide if you want to have a video chat in the future or meet at some point. 

2. A video chat is a good idea or a date in the park.

At the moment in London there are not many other options. For a video date I would suggest ordering some food or wine for your date as you want to make it as close as the real date as possible. You can do that by purchasing a gift voucher in food delivery providers (Uber , Deliveroo) or ordering directly for her if possible. This will make it more special. For a date in the park I suggest you are also making the effort as otherwise it's just two strangers walking together and let's not forget as since this is not a restaurant or a bar , she can just walk off any time which she might not do in normal circumstances so I suggest you actually make the extra effort. Perhaps research the local coffee places that also offer take away cakes or sandwiches, you don't want your date to be starving and be cold in the park. 
